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Guide To Buying Folding Mobility Scooters

Folding Mobility Scooter

There are a number of folding mobility scooters for sale. Did you know a mobility scooter is a medical device and a lifestyle choice at the same time. You should consider certain things before purchasing a folding mobility scooter. You should consult with an occupational therapist or take advice from a specialist mobility scooter shop in the first stage. Sometimes, it is very difficult to buy something for the first time. I believe this article will help you buy a new folding mobility scooter.

Five things to consider before buying a folding mobility scooter

In my opinion, there are five things to consider before buying a folding mobility scooter. Firstly, you have to think about the types of journeys you are planning to do. Secondly, you need to consider the types of terrain you will cover. Thirdly, you must not forget the storage & your charging facilities. Fourthly, you have to ensure the scooter will carry your weight and is the correct size before your purchase. Last but not least, you have to make sure that you are planning within your budget to buy the correct scooter for your needs not just because its cheap. Also check to see if your specialist mobility scooter supplier is part of the Motability Scooter and Power Wheelchair Scheme as that is a good sign that the are accredited and will have good aftercare and full servicing & repair facilities.

Class 2 Mobility Scooters

Now, let us look at the types of folding mobility scooters. There are two options considering their classes at this moment. At first, let us discuss the Class 2 scooters. These scooters can be used to travel on pavements and in shopping areas. They are also known as boot scooters. If you can avoid busy roads and highways, this model will be a perfect match for you. These scooters are small in size and very lightweight. You can easily fold it and take it from one place to another. They are perfect for all those short journeys and great for shopping and days out. There are of two types of Boot scooters - folding or take apart.

Class 3 Mobility Scooters

On the other hand, there are some scooters listed in Class 3 vehicles. These scooters are heavy and large in size compared to the previous product (Class 2). You can drive them on road or the pavement (except dual carriageways that have a speed limit of 50 mph or above). The maximum speed you can do on a mobility scooter is 8 mph for the general road and 4 mph for the pavements. With the help of powerful batteries, you can easily make journeys of up to 35 miles. They usually have all the facilities like a car,for example front lights, rear lights, indicator lights, hazard lights, a rear-view mirrors, brakes and of course a horn.

The main differences between folding mobility scooters and dismantle-able or take apart mobility scooters. 

Dismantle-able or take apart mobility scooters disassemble into smaller manageable pieces to make it easier to lift or while storing away. Take apart scooters are lightweight and it allows you to lift each component separately, also making it easier to pack in the car. All you need is to reassemble it again before using it which literal takes a few seconds to do.

On the other hand, folding mobility scooters only require a push of a button or pull a lever to fold into a compact size for easy storage.

.On some models, you can remove the battery and armrests from a folding scooter to reduce the weight further. On the surface, the weight may seems like a disadvantage, but it is not as you can get a hoist fitted to your car to make light work of the lifting. Both models are available with solid or pneumatic tyres. which can absorb the bumps in the road and give you a more comfortable ride.

The benefits of a folding mobility scooter.

Now, Let us focus on the benefits of a folding mobility scooter. It can be beneficial for a number of reasons. Most of the folding mobility scooters weigh between 24kg to 31kg. Do not require any dismantling. They designed in a way so that can picked up easily and stored away in convenient places. Besides, these scooters are very good at turning in a small spaces. They have four wheels for stability. Most of them usually come with a lightweight lithium battery. As you probably know lithium batteries last longer than normal batteries while being easy to carry. Lithium batteries as also air safe and as long as they are less than 300 watts and can be carried on all airlines.  Most folding scooters will do a range of 10 miles.

Finally, folding mobility scooters are smaller and more lightweight than traditional mobility scooters. I see no reasons to buy a traditional mobility scooter over a folding mobility scooter. A folding mobility scooter will easily fit in your car’s boot. This one simple reason is enough to buy a folding mobility scooter.

Do not buy a buy a mobility scooter online without trying, it is always important to get the correct mobility scooter for your needs. If you dont the journeys will not be stable or pleasant. In addition, you may not use the scooter as often because its not comfortable. I strongly recommend you try before you buy, why not visit Mobility World branches in Letchworth & Harrow. Or you can simply check Mobility World on line, they have a huge collection of folding mobility scooters.

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